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What To Expect When Getting Dental Implants

If you're missing a tooth, you're probably considering dental implants as your tooth replacement option, but have a handful of questions. At Family Dentistry in Saint Louis, MO, your dentist, Dr. Ronald Triplett, has provided some of the important information below, regarding dental implants.

Below The Gumline

Dental implants are constructed from biocompatible titanium, which means your body responds to the material rather effortlessly. Because of this, any lost support from your jawbone can be restored through a process called osseointegration—which is when your jawbone fuses with the titanium implant.

Your missing tooth root is efficiently replaced, offering an incredibly durable and permanent support structure. Once osseointegration has occurred, the artificial tooth root provides an anchor for a tooth replacement (e.g. a dental crown), fully restoring your smile!

The Procedure

By examining the condition of your oral health (including taking x-rays and your medical history) Dr. Triplett will determine a personalized treatment plan for you when receiving dental implants.

If you need to undergo bone or tissue grafting (i.e. taking bone from a different area of your body to provide a proper structure that the jawbone may need), this will delay your restorative process before dental implants can be placed.

On the day of the procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the affected area, since dental implants require a small incision. Your visit to Family Dentistry could take as little as an hour, depending on how many dental implants you require.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants can have a long life, as long as you maintain proper oral hygiene (i.e. brushing your teeth morning and night, flossing once a day, and sustaining regular visits at Family Dentistry with Dr. Triplett).

The titanium implants are completely resistant to decay, and also protect your natural neighboring teeth from cavities. Even so, it's still pivotal to continue practicing proper dental care to prolong the benefits that dental implants provide!

Choosing Dental Implants 

Restoring your smile not only promotes greater, long-term oral health, but also boosts your confidence! If you have more questions about dental implants, Dr. Triplett with Family Dentistry in Saint Louis, MO, encourages you to visit with him. Give our office a call at (314) 909-1717, to schedule your appointment today!

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